
Designing current and future states

Why Skyline?

Skyline acts as the overarching metaphor for the process of understanding an organization's current cultural state while designing its aspirational future.

Skyline is a foundational step, akin to envisioning a city's skyline, which must accurately reflect the reality on the ground. It encapsulates the broader vision before diving into specifics.

For Whom?

For organizations looking to actively involve their workforce in shaping a dynamic, forward-thinking culture that is prepared to meet future challenges head-on. Whether navigating through significant changes or aiming for continuous improvement, Skyline offers a structured, inclusive approach to intentional cultural evolution.

Fault Lines

Are any of these visible in your organization?

  • Organizations struggling to define or communicate their long-term vision and goals, resulting in misaligned efforts and initiatives.

  • Companies facing challenges in defining or redefining their corporate identity as they evolve, leading to confusion both internally and externally.

  • Organizations finding it challenging to navigate significant changes (e.g., mergers, acquisitions, strategic shifts), and not realizing anticipated benefits.

Skyline Benefits

Potential Outcomes

  • By involving a wide range of perspectives, Skyline promotes a richer, more innovative approach to organizational development.

  • Focused on long-term goals, Skyline helps organizations navigate change more effectively, ensuring resilience and sustained success.

  • Ensures that cultural evolution efforts are aligned and moving in the same direction, building a stronger, more cohesive organizational identity.


Skyline addresses organizational challenges by:

  • Providing innovative framework for exploring ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’ for organizations.

  • Transforming abstract cultural concepts and values into clear, actionable strategies.

  • Engaging everyone to actively shape the cultural evolution process and outcome.

  • Sparking collaboration that dissolves barriers and co-creates a shared vision for impactful alignment.